Electrical Home Safety Inspection

Electrical Home Safety Inspection

What You Need to Know About Electrical Home Safety Inspections

An Electrical Safety Inspection is an inspection carried out by a licensed A-Grade Electrician that assesses the condition of all existing electrical installations within and surrounding the home or business.  The electrician is able to recognise any electrical safety concerns in line with the Electrical Safety Act, Electrical Installations Regulations and Wiring Rules that may be a risk to the occupants.

This helps to identify any potential electrical, fire or shock hazards in your home. It is a basic visual inspection but does not guarantee there are no other issues in your home.


Electrical Safety in the home

Already a homeowner – Then one of your main concerns is the safety of your home and 
everyone in it. Therefore, you should have any electrical work inspected by one of our licensed, 
bonded, and insured electricians at least once, and again after any remodeling. 
Buying a home – You’ll want to know what, if any, defects or safety hazards are present in the 
home. Items that rate high on the list are things like aluminum wiring, GFCI receptacles, 
grounding, and water leaking into service parts. At ProAmp Electric, we will provide you with a 
thorough Electrical Safety Inspection and peace of mind.
Insuring your home – When insuring your home, particularly for the first time or when 
switching from one insurance provider to another, insurance companies will want to know 
specific details regarding your homes electrical system and wiring. Of particular concern are 
details such as: aluminum wiring, knob and tube wiring.

These are things that most people don’t think about until they have an electrical disaster. Let us inspect your entire home and check every electrical component for safety hazards. When our certified technician is done, he will give you a complete diagnostic of the condition of the electrical system and an estimate for completing any necessary repairs.

Don’t wait until you sell the home to enjoy the repairs. Many homes we inspect have multiple code infractions and fire hazards.  Although the cost of a complete home inspection by a certified technician is minimal, the benefit of finding any fire hazard is priceless. Don’t wait until you sell your home to enjoy the peace of mind and safety of a properly maintained home. Get it fixed before you are forced to fix it for someone else.

The Importance of an Electrical Safety Inspection

These days, we tend to take electricity for granted and we don’t consider the possible dangers that can so easily occur.  With winter approaching, and heaters gradually warming up, it’s a good time to consider your home and/or business and ensure your family and colleagues are safe from potential electrical hazards. Call (214) 238-8353 us for your home service and repair needs.

For more related articles and info visit https://www.berkeys.com/category/electrical/