Cambridge Place

Southlake’s Cambridge Place is a residential area. Cambridge Place has a population of 315 people, with 46 percent men and 53 percent women and an average age of 43. Houses with children make up 47 percent of the neighborhood, followed by individual-female homes (9 percent), individual male homes (3 percent), and couples (86 percent). Cambridge Place has a 3.17 average family size and a 3.33 average family size.

Residents of Cambridge Place, Southlake have an average household budget of $237,054, with a median individual income of $101,250. Approximately 100% of residents have finished high school, 10% have finished some type of college might not have a mark, 5% have a degree, 47% have a bachelor’s degree, and 31% have completed graduation.

Single Homes and Condominiums are among the types of homes for sale in Cambridge Place, Southlake. The average home costs $1,100,202.

A place’s demographics might be a good indicator of how ‘neighborly’ it is. With 98 percent owner-occupied homes and average household size of 3.2 persons, Cambridge Place has a friendly ambiance.

Quality of life is a subjective concept that can be influenced by a range of factors. While some property buyers choose a walkable metropolis with plenty of things to do close by, others prefer the suburbs, which provide serene streets, peace, quiet, and proximity to open areas and wildlife. Being car-dependent is undesirable to some, while a reasonable journey time to their favorite weekend hangout is a dream come true for others.

Given this, it would be beneficial to know what amenities are available in the area, as well as whether you can do the majority of your daily tasks on foot. Cambridge Place in Southlake has a walkability rating of 16 and a bike ability rating of 31. Almost all errands necessitate the use of an automobile.

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is the closest airport. TX-114 is the closest freeway to Cambridge Place in Southlake.


The concept of a good school varies based on what people are searching for; for example, some people may be interested in schools with strong athletic programs, while others may be interested in schools that are better at preparing children for higher education. Because viewpoint matters, independent organizations such as Niche offer ratings to schools, which are frequently used by parents in making decisions. However, you should double-check these evaluations with additional sources, such as a visit to the campus.

Because of the constant demand for certain neighborhoods, it’s not unexpected that places with highly ranked public schools have significantly higher property values. Checking out the nearby schools and their evaluations is a smart idea if you have children or plan to have them in the future. Among the district’s elementary schools is Old Union Elementary School (#6 in metro). Middle schools in the district include Eubanks Intermediate School (#7 in metro) and George Dawson Middle School (#4 in metro). Among the district’s high schools are Carroll Senior High School (#3 in metro) and Carroll High School (#35 in metro). It’s crucial to pick a neighborhood with a consistent high school ranking.

Camden Park

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