August 18, 2016

Home Inspection Of Electrical Installation

Benefits Of Electrical Inspections For Dallas Homeowners

Even if your home is relatively new, regular electrical inspections are something you should consider. Those inspections provide a number of benefits, including the ability to identify a wiring issue before it has the chance to develop into something more complex.

This video is not intended to be instructional but to illustrate some of the processes undertaken when inspecting and testing an industrial electrical installation.

How Often Should I Get My Electrical Installation Inspected?

Our electrical inspections, aside from the legal obligations, are geared towards optimal control and management of your electro technical installation. But the most important reason for inspection is to guarantee your safety and that of others. Our expert inspectors test your installations and report their findings. Through this we can offer you full control of your electrotechnical operation of business and your certification.

Every electrical installation deteriorates with use and age. You need to ensure that your tenant(s) – or anyone entering or using your property – are not put at risk, by ensuring that the electrical installation remains in a safe and serviceable condition.

How frequently should an electrical installation be inspected?

For rented accommodation, the maximum period recommended between the initial inspection (when the installation was first put into service) and the first periodic inspection and test is five years. Periods between subsequent inspections will depend on the condition of the installation at the time of the preceding inspection, but it is recommended that periodic inspection and testing is carried out at least every five years or at the end of a tenancy, whichever comes first. Where a change of tenancy occurs after a short period (for example less than six months) a full periodic inspection and test may not always be needed. In such cases, the landlord or their representative should always carry out a visual check to confirm that the property is safe to re-let.

Importance of Inspections

Electrical and gas inspections are extremely important for home, work and office safety. Faulty wiring can lead to all sorts of dangerous situations, including fires. Both electric and gas can cause potentially life-threatening problems if devices are not well maintained.

Hiring a certified/licenced electricity and gas person is essential for keeping your home, work and office up to date. Having these inspections performed regularly will ensure that all of your wires and appliances are in working order. This helps to lower the risk of an accident occurring.

Always be careful when hiring a person to do this type of work. It is not typically a good idea to try to do this work yourself as it requires knowledge of how electricity and gas works. These two sources of energy can be difficult to work with, which is why hiring someone with experience and the required competence is recommended.

The Importance of Electrical Safety Inspection

Currently, Electric equipment is one of the prime requirements of day to day life. Electricity fulfills the basic needs of life, but if not dealt carefully, it can be very dangerous as well. So, it is important to inspect your appliances regularly by experts to get a secure family environment. Call us for your home service and repair needs.

Suggested Reading

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