Air Conditioning Tune Ups That Protect Your Comfort

Air Conditioning Tune Ups In Dallas

Air conditioning tune-ups, like any piece of expensive equipment, requires proper maintenance and care to run smoothly for the length of its life. After heavy seasonal use, without maintaining it and protecting it from wear and tear, your AC will be prone to unexpected breakdowns and likely need replacing sooner. The most effective way to avoid this and to give your air conditioner the maintenance it needs is with seasonal tune-ups.



Perform a complete air conditioning tune up.This is a yearly maintenance item everyone should do.

It’s Not Too Late for a Air Conditioning Tune-Up

As the leaves begin to turn colors and the sweaters come out of storage, you may be trying to hold off on firing up the furnace to save money. It’s one of the mildest times of the year throughout much of North America, after all. But this window of just-right weather is good for more than just savings — it’s also your last chance to get your furnace tuned-up for winter.

Your furnace might be ol’ faithful, but if you’re not giving it regular maintenance, don’t expect that to last. Just like your car needs the occasional oil change, your furnace needs a thorough inspection, cleaning and adjustment once per year.

An Ounce of Prevention

One of the smartest reasons to tune-up your furnace is that it gives a trained HVAC technician the opportunity to find and fix small problems before they progress into big ones. There are all sorts of early warning signs that are only detectable to the trained eye, and many of those won’t immediately present themselves to homeowners in the form of noises, odors or poor heating performance.

A multi-point inspection is almost always included with a furnace tune-up, but it’s a good idea to confirm with your technician the exact checklist of steps included in your service.

Squeaky Clean

Dust particles seem to get everywhere, and that includes the inside of your furnace. If dust is allowed to build up significantly, it can easily begin to diminish the energy efficiency of your heating elements and can even help cause problems that will lead to replacing parts.

As your HVAC technician moves through all the steps of the tune-up, he’ll clean as he goes, making sure your furnace has a clean start before the long winter.

Safety, Safety, Safety

While rare, furnaces can develop problems that present a danger to people in the home. The two most common types of problems are fire hazards and carbon monoxide leaks. Both of these can be deadly, and both frequently begin as small problems that can be easily detected in the course of a tune-up.

Even if your furnace is running well and you think you can get through one more winter without maintaining it, consider getting it checked out for safety’s sake, if nothing else. See more here.


The Benefits of an Air Conditioning Tune-Up

When the professionals at Home Heating & Air Conditioning conduct air conditioning maintenance at your home, they will perform all of the following services in order to ensure that your air conditioner functions reliably and efficiently. Their air conditioning repair contractors will assess and adjust your entire HVAC system so that it provides the best service possible. Call (214) 238-8353 us for your home service and repair needs.


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